
Price Notification Explained


As an online merchant, you know how important it is to keep your customers informed about any changes in product prices. However, manually notifying every shopper of a price change can be time-consuming and inefficient. That's where Recommend comes in! We offer an automated price notification system that can help you keep your customers informed and increase your sales.

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What are Price Notifications?

Price notifications are automatic alerts that are sent to shoppers whenever there's a price change for a product they've saved on Recommend. This ensures that your customers are always aware of any changes in price and can take advantage of the best deals.

How can Merchants Benefit from Price Notifications?

As a merchant, you can take advantage of our price notification system to increase customer engagement and drive more sales. Here are some benefits of using our price notification system:

  • Increased Customer Engagement: By keeping your customers informed about price changes, you can improve customer engagement and build loyalty.
  • Boost Sales: By notifying customers of price changes, you can encourage them to complete their purchase and increase your sales.
  • Competitive Advantage: By offering price notifications, you can stay ahead of your competitors and attract more customers to your website.

Requirements for Using Price Notifications:

In order to take advantage of our price notification system, merchants need to provide Recommend with their product SKUs or an XML product feed (preferred). This allows us to automatically update the prices for each product on our platform and send notifications to customers when the prices change.

Here's how merchants can set up price notifications on Recommend:

  • Ensure that your shop is integrated with Recommend and up-to-date
  • Provide us with your product SKUs or XML product feed (Preferred)
  • Anytime you change a product price on your website, it will automatically update on Recommend and the shoppers that saved the product will receive a notification.

Price notifications are an essential tool for merchants who want to keep their customers informed about price changes and boost sales. By providing us with your product information, we can help you automate the process and ensure that your customers are always aware of the best deals. So why wait? Start using our price notification system today and watch your sales grow!

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